Recent stories from sustg


  • Perspective: Saudi Religious Soft Power Diplomacy Eyes Washington And Jerusalem First And Foremost

    Ms. Lipstadt said that Saudi religious soft power diplomacy had created an atmosphere in which she could discuss with government officials and civil society leaders, who in the kingdom inevitably are likely to be linked to the government, “normalising the vision of the Jews and understanding of Jewish history for their population, particularly their younger population.”

  • Hamas challenges Israel over nationalist flag march in Jerusalem

    For years, flag-waving Israeli nationalists have staged an annual march through Jerusalem to celebrate Israel's capture of the Old City in the 1967 Middle East war. The procession through the narrow streets of the Muslim quarter was always controversial, but legal efforts to ban the event failed, with supporters arguing that it was a legitimate festival marking an extraordinary moment in Jewish history.

  • Palestinians clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site

    Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinian youths at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday, the latest outbreak of violence at a site revered by Muslims and Jews alike. At least 42 Palestinians were injured in the early morning clashes at Islam's third-holiest site, the Palestinian Red Crescent said.

  • Palestinians clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site, 31 injured

    Reuters witnesses said police entered the compound after the morning prayers and fired rubber-tipped bullets and stun grenades at a crowd of about 200 Palestinians, some of whom were throwing rocks. Police also fired rubber-tipped bullets from a close range at a group of journalists documenting the clashes, the witnesses said.

  • Israeli police stop Jewish nationalist march in Jerusalem amid rising tensions

    A recent upsurge of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories has raised fears of a slide back to wider conflict. Since March, Israeli forces have killed at least 29 Palestinians in West Bank raids, and a series of deadly Arab street attacks have killed 14 people in Israel.

  • Israel downs Gaza rocket, admonishes Jordan as Jerusalem tensions simmer

    Palestinians accuse Israel of encroaching at Al Aqsa during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Israel says Palestinian protesters seek to disrupt Muslim prayer for political ends and to prevent visits by Jews, who are now celebrating Passover. The tensions complicate Israel's security ties with Jordan, which is custodian of Al Aqsa and has a Palestinian majority.

  • Palestinians clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site, 152 injured

    At least 152 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli riot police insideJerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound on Friday, extending a recent resurgence of violence that has raised fears of a slide back to wider conflict. Most of the Palestinian injuries were incurred by rubber bullets, stun grenades and beatings with police batons, the Palestine Red Crescent said, at the most sensitive site in the generations-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  • Israel delays major settlement plan for East Jerusalem

    A Jerusalem district planning and building committee has now decided against moving forward, citing the need for an environmental study, according to a statement from Israel's Planning Administration. No timeline for further discussion was given. Critics contend that the proposed construction between East Jerusalem and the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank would further dim any Palestinian hopes for a future state.

  • Israeli official says reopening of U.S. Palestinian mission in Jerusalem may not happen

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken this month reiterated Washington's plan to reopen the consulate as part of efforts to repair Palestinian ties. He did not give timelines. "I believe that I have good reason to think this will not happen," Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll told Israel's Ynet TV.

  • U.S. will move forward with reopening its Palestinian mission in Jerusalem -Blinken

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday the Biden administration intends to press ahead with its plan to reopen the Jerusalem consulate that traditionally engaged with Palestinians, despite Israeli opposition to such a move. Blinken reiterated a pledge he originally made months ago on re-establishing the consulate, which had long been a base for diplomatic outreach to the Palestinians before it was closed by President Joe Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, in 2018.