‘Expansionary’ Saudi 2013 Budget Provides for Record Spending on the Back of 2012 Surplus

A recently released report by Jadwa Investment on Saudi Arabia’s 2013 budget highlights the Saudi government’s plans for record spending to sustain the Kingdom’s economic expansion next year.

Fresh off a budget surplus that surpassed official expectations by SR329 Billion (USD 87.7 Billion), Saudi Arabia is budgeting for “another expansionary budget with a record spending which will play a vital role in supporting the economy,” according to Jadwa, which also noted tht at spending grew at only 3.2 percent year-on-year, “a moderate rate compared to the previous two years.”


“Budgeted spending is at another all-time high in 2013, as the government continues with its program to upgrade the human and physical infrastructure and spurring economic growth. One highlight of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) budget announcement is the 18 percent jump in revenues. With no new initiatives announced, we think this is a sign that the government has maintained the less conservative approach with its oil price assumption since last year.

For the second consecutive year, the Kingdom has budgeted for a surplus which set to

reach SR9 billion this year (0.3 percent of expected GDP). In the US and across Europe, countries are cutting spending to bring budget deficits under control and reduce their debt.

This is not a concern for the Kingdom. While the planned surplus is small, debt is very low and should a deficit occur it can be financed comfortably by drawing on the vast stock of foreign assets rather than issuing new debt, we think.”

Here’s the full report from Jadwa Investment to view a detailed analysis of the 2013 budget.

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